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先知事工系列:一个忠心的仆人(雷蒙德 阿吉莱拉 Ray Aguilera)

johnkindness4年前 (2021-07-18)未分类592
Dedicated Man An explanation of the Ray Aguilera phenomenon,
by Robert Thompson.* 罗伯特·汤普森
To understand Ray Aguilera, two key words must be defined. First, the definition of Dedicate: According to the American Heritage Dictionary, 1. To set apart for a special purpose. 2. To commit (oneself) fully; devote. 3. To inscribe (e.g. a book) to someone.
要了解雷蒙德·阿吉莱拉是怎样一个人,首先要定义两个关键词。第一是忠心这个词。根据《美国传统辞典》的解释,定义为:1. 为着一个特别的目的分别出来。2. 某人将自己全身心投入。3. 为某人题字(比如赠书)。
Secondly, the definition of Phenomenon: Again, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, 1. An occurrence or fact that can be perceived by the senses. 2. a. An unusual fact or occurrence. b. A person outstanding for an extreme quality or achievement.
第二个词是奇迹。仍然根据《美国传统辞典》的解释,定义为:1. 能够被感官感知到的现象或事实。2. 一个不寻常的事实或事件;拥有极其高尚的品格或极其卓越成就的人。
During the first three years of Rays Journey he encountered a multitude of obstacles, all of which he challenged and conquered, as his Christian walk strengthened with the knowledge that he was chosen for a very special purpose. Without formal bible training or any past theological interests, other than a desire to be a good Christian, Ray has accepted the greatest responsibility of his life. Criticism from leaders within the church, disbelief from friends and acquaintances, and his own insecurities as a human being have not deterred Ray from completing his task. As if these reasons were not enough, to deter Ray from his work, there were also constant battles and tests visited upon him from the Spiritual world. For Rays battles, on behalf of God, were with the devil, who never sleeps. (Eph. 6:12) Therefore Rays vigilance over these matters required weekly, daily, and hourly attention.
Ray professes not to be a prophet, yet he receives prophecies. He understands not symbolism, yet he receives visions and symbols. He lacks biblical expertise, yet he is told to use the bible. He aspires not lofty rank within the church, yet he challenges those of authority and questionable repute. He detests radicalism and revolution, yet his work is radical and revolutionary in thought and design.
Rays life appears complicated, troubled, and disturbed at times. Nevertheless, Ray has kept to his task and pursued goals given him by God: Write everything down; put it into a book form; and spread the word worldwide. Ray was told to do this and have unconditional faith in Gods ability to open doors and provide contacts to insure the successful completion of this powerful project.
Ray is a dedicated man. He is set apart from others, by God, for a special purpose. He is devoted and fully committed to his task. And, he has sacrificed all to write a book, not about God, but from God. This book is not about Rays life, his beliefs, or even his experiences. This book is about change; this book is about perceptions; this book is about getting back to God. Ray feels there is a disturbance in the church. He hopes this book will bring about change that will be positive for all Christians and non-Christians alike. More importantly, Ray wants to see change in the church.
Ray faces an uphill battle. He feels threatened and intimidated by leaders in the church because of what has been written. But it is precisely what has been written, and disseminated, that will bring the needed change. Force, violence, and radical actions will not be the catalyst for change. The written word, just the word of God, will be enough to bring universal change in the body.
The greatest change in the church occurred in the 1500s by a theologian named Martin Luther. He challenged the dogmatic practices of the Catholic Church. He was a prolific writer and charismatic speaker. The German people of the 1520s would have violently revolted or turned to radical activities had Martin Luther suggested that course of action. However, Martin Luther wrote and published Gods word. The word of God was spread by individuals that networked and challenged the authority of the existing church. Martin Luther knew also that Satan could attack individuals, but when the work of God is being done, by spreading words, it is very distressing to the devil.
Ray Aguilera is not a theologian. Nevertheless, he is spreading the word of God just as he has been instructed. He is experiencing divine intervention through visions and occurrences. He records and documents every event in his own words and style. Ray is not a writer so he puts everything down as if he were conversing with a friend. Rays work is personal, not for commercial gain, and written for everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike.
Rays mission in life is simple: Get the word of God to everyone. Through his dedication he is accomplishing this very goal. It is phenomenal that Rays writings, although incomplete, are being read and distributed throughout the United States and abroad. Bits and pieces are scattered throughout the world. When this work is finished it will be available to everyone because it is the will of God that the word of God be read by all.
* Robert Thompson is a Teacher/Historian who stated that the Lord gave him several dreams and restless nights and placed a burden to write this preface and to use scripture.

   先知雷蒙德阿吉莱拉(Ray aguilera)的网站:  www.prophecy.org,  www.prophecy.org.il (如果直接打不开,可以复制到浏览器打开)








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